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منتدى الصف الثاني الإعدادي 5

    Frequency and Frequency Tables

    عبدالله المالكي

    المساهمات : 76
    تاريخ التسجيل : 24/03/2009

    Frequency and Frequency Tables Empty Frequency and Frequency Tables

    مُساهمة  عبدالله المالكي الإثنين أبريل 06, 2009 10:22 pm

    Year 8 Interactive Maths - Second Edition

    Frequency and Frequency Tables
    The frequency of a particular data value is the number of times the data value occurs.

    For example, if four students have a score of 80 in mathematics, and then the score of 80 is said to have a frequency of 4. The frequency of a data value is often represented by f.

    A frequency table is constructed by arranging collected data values in ascending order of magnitude with their corresponding frequencies.

    Example 5
    The marks awarded for an assignment set for a Year 8 class of 20 students were as follows:
    6 7 5 7 7 8 7 6 9 7
    4 10 6 8 8 9 5 6 4 8

    Present this information in a frequency table.

    To construct a frequency table, we proceed as follows:

    Step 1:

    Construct a table with three columns. The first column shows what is being arranged in ascending order (i.e. the marks). The lowest mark is 4. So, start from 4 in the first column as shown below.

    Step 2:

    Go through the list of marks. The first mark in the list is 6, so put a tally mark against 6 in the second column. The second mark in the list is 7, so put a tally mark against 7 in the second column. The third mark in the list is 5, so put a tally mark against 5 in the third column as shown below.

    We continue this process until all marks in the list are tallied.

    Step 3:

    Count the number of tally marks for each mark and write it in third column. The finished frequency table is as follows:

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد أكتوبر 13, 2024 2:16 am